LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - bank-lib - bank_api_credit.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: GNU Taler exchange coverage report Lines: 65 117 55.6 %
Date: 2022-08-25 06:15:09 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :   This file is part of TALER
       3             :   Copyright (C) 2017--2021 Taler Systems SA
       4             : 
       5             :   TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       6             :   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
       7             :   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3,
       8             :   or (at your option) any later version.
       9             : 
      10             :   TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      11             :   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      13             :   GNU General Public License for more details.
      14             : 
      15             :   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
      16             :   License along with TALER; see the file COPYING.  If not,
      17             :   see <>
      18             : */
      19             : /**
      20             :  * @file bank-lib/bank_api_credit.c
      21             :  * @brief Implementation of the /history/incoming
      22             :  *        requests of the bank's HTTP API.
      23             :  * @author Christian Grothoff
      24             :  * @author Marcello Stanisci
      25             :  */
      26             : #include "platform.h"
      27             : #include "bank_api_common.h"
      28             : #include <microhttpd.h> /* just for HTTP status codes */
      29             : #include "taler_signatures.h"
      30             : 
      31             : 
      32             : /**
      33             :  * How much longer than the application-specified timeout
      34             :  * do we wait (giving the server a chance to respond)?
      35             :  */
      36             : #define GRACE_PERIOD_MS 1000
      37             : 
      38             : 
      39             : /**
      40             :  * @brief A /history/incoming Handle
      41             :  */
      42             : struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle
      43             : {
      44             : 
      45             :   /**
      46             :    * The url for this request.
      47             :    */
      48             :   char *request_url;
      49             : 
      50             :   /**
      51             :    * Handle for the request.
      52             :    */
      53             :   struct GNUNET_CURL_Job *job;
      54             : 
      55             :   /**
      56             :    * Function to call with the result.
      57             :    */
      58             :   TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryCallback hcb;
      59             : 
      60             :   /**
      61             :    * Closure for @a cb.
      62             :    */
      63             :   void *hcb_cls;
      64             : };
      65             : 
      66             : 
      67             : /**
      68             :  * Parse history given in JSON format and invoke the callback on each item.
      69             :  *
      70             :  * @param hh handle to the account history request
      71             :  * @param history JSON array with the history
      72             :  * @return #GNUNET_OK if history was valid and @a rhistory and @a balance
      73             :  *         were set,
      74             :  *         #GNUNET_SYSERR if there was a protocol violation in @a history
      75             :  */
      76             : static enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
      77           4 : parse_account_history (struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle *hh,
      78             :                        const json_t *history)
      79             : {
      80             :   json_t *history_array;
      81             : 
      82           4 :   if (NULL == (history_array = json_object_get (history,
      83             :                                                 "incoming_transactions")))
      84             :   {
      85           0 :     GNUNET_break_op (0);
      86           0 :     return GNUNET_SYSERR;
      87             :   }
      88           4 :   if (! json_is_array (history_array))
      89             :   {
      90           0 :     GNUNET_break_op (0);
      91           0 :     return GNUNET_SYSERR;
      92             :   }
      93           7 :   for (unsigned int i = 0; i<json_array_size (history_array); i++)
      94             :   {
      95             :     struct TALER_BANK_CreditDetails td;
      96             :     uint64_t row_id;
      97             :     struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification hist_spec[] = {
      98           3 :       TALER_JSON_spec_amount_any ("amount",
      99             :                                   &td.amount),
     100           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_timestamp ("date",
     101             :                                   &td.execution_date),
     102           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_uint64 ("row_id",
     103             :                                &row_id),
     104           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("reserve_pub",
     105             :                                    &td.reserve_pub),
     106           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_string ("debit_account",
     107             :                                &td.debit_account_uri),
     108           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_string ("credit_account",
     109             :                                &td.credit_account_uri),
     110           3 :       GNUNET_JSON_spec_end ()
     111             :     };
     112           3 :     json_t *transaction = json_array_get (history_array,
     113             :                                           i);
     114             : 
     115           3 :     if (GNUNET_OK !=
     116           3 :         GNUNET_JSON_parse (transaction,
     117             :                            hist_spec,
     118             :                            NULL, NULL))
     119             :     {
     120           0 :       GNUNET_break_op (0);
     121           0 :       return GNUNET_SYSERR;
     122             :     }
     123           3 :     if (GNUNET_OK !=
     124           3 :         hh->hcb (hh->hcb_cls,
     125             :                  MHD_HTTP_OK,
     126             :                  TALER_EC_NONE,
     127             :                  row_id,
     128             :                  &td,
     129             :                  transaction))
     130             :     {
     131           0 :       hh->hcb = NULL;
     132           0 :       GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (hist_spec);
     133           0 :       return GNUNET_OK;
     134             :     }
     135           3 :     GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (hist_spec);
     136             :   }
     137           4 :   return GNUNET_OK;
     138             : }
     139             : 
     140             : 
     141             : /**
     142             :  * Function called when we're done processing the
     143             :  * HTTP /history/incoming request.
     144             :  *
     145             :  * @param cls the `struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle`
     146             :  * @param response_code HTTP response code, 0 on error
     147             :  * @param response parsed JSON result, NULL on error
     148             :  */
     149             : static void
     150           5 : handle_credit_history_finished (void *cls,
     151             :                                 long response_code,
     152             :                                 const void *response)
     153             : {
     154           5 :   struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle *hh = cls;
     155           5 :   const json_t *j = response;
     156             :   enum TALER_ErrorCode ec;
     157             : 
     158           5 :   hh->job = NULL;
     159           5 :   switch (response_code)
     160             :   {
     161           0 :   case 0:
     162           0 :     ec = TALER_EC_GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE;
     163           0 :     break;
     164           4 :   case MHD_HTTP_OK:
     165           4 :     if (GNUNET_OK !=
     166           4 :         parse_account_history (hh,
     167             :                                j))
     168             :     {
     169           0 :       GNUNET_break_op (0);
     170           0 :       json_dumpf (j,
     171             :                   stderr,
     172             :                   JSON_INDENT (2));
     173           0 :       response_code = 0;
     174           0 :       ec = TALER_EC_GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE;
     175           0 :       break;
     176             :     }
     177           4 :     response_code = MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT; /* signal end of list */
     178           4 :     ec = TALER_EC_NONE;
     179           4 :     break;
     180           0 :   case MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT:
     181           0 :     ec = TALER_EC_NONE;
     182           0 :     break;
     183           0 :   case MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
     184             :     /* This should never happen, either us or the bank is buggy
     185             :        (or API version conflict); just pass JSON reply to the application */
     186           0 :     GNUNET_break_op (0);
     187           0 :     ec = TALER_JSON_get_error_code (j);
     188           0 :     break;
     189           0 :   case MHD_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
     190             :     /* Nothing really to verify, bank says the HTTP Authentication
     191             :        failed. May happen if HTTP authentication is used and the
     192             :        user supplied a wrong username/password combination. */
     193           0 :     ec = TALER_JSON_get_error_code (j);
     194           0 :     break;
     195           1 :   case MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
     196             :     /* Nothing really to verify: the bank is either unaware
     197             :        of the endpoint (not a bank), or of the account.
     198             :        We should pass the JSON (?) reply to the application */
     199           1 :     ec = TALER_JSON_get_error_code (j);
     200           1 :     break;
     201           0 :   case MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
     202             :     /* Server had an internal issue; we should retry, but this API
     203             :        leaves this to the application */
     204           0 :     ec = TALER_JSON_get_error_code (j);
     205           0 :     break;
     206           0 :   default:
     207             :     /* unexpected response code */
     208           0 :     GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,
     209             :                 "Unexpected response code %u\n",
     210             :                 (unsigned int) response_code);
     211           0 :     ec = TALER_JSON_get_error_code (j);
     212           0 :     break;
     213             :   }
     214           5 :   if (NULL != hh->hcb)
     215           5 :     hh->hcb (hh->hcb_cls,
     216             :              response_code,
     217             :              ec,
     218             :              0LLU,
     219             :              NULL,
     220             :              j);
     221           5 :   TALER_BANK_credit_history_cancel (hh);
     222           5 : }
     223             : 
     224             : 
     225             : struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle *
     226           5 : TALER_BANK_credit_history (struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx,
     227             :                            const struct TALER_BANK_AuthenticationData *auth,
     228             :                            uint64_t start_row,
     229             :                            int64_t num_results,
     230             :                            struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
     231             :                            TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryCallback hres_cb,
     232             :                            void *hres_cb_cls)
     233             : {
     234             :   char url[128];
     235             :   struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle *hh;
     236             :   CURL *eh;
     237             :   unsigned long long tms;
     238             : 
     239           5 :   if (0 == num_results)
     240             :   {
     241           0 :     GNUNET_break (0);
     242           0 :     return NULL;
     243             :   }
     244             : 
     245          10 :   tms = (unsigned long long) (timeout.rel_value_us
     246           5 :                               / GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_MILLISECONDS.rel_value_us);
     247           5 :   if ( ( (UINT64_MAX == start_row) &&
     248           4 :          (0 > num_results) ) ||
     249           4 :        ( (0 == start_row) &&
     250             :          (0 < num_results) ) )
     251             :   {
     252           5 :     if ( (0 < num_results) &&
     253           4 :          (! GNUNET_TIME_relative_is_zero (timeout)) )
     254           0 :       GNUNET_snprintf (url,
     255             :                        sizeof (url),
     256             :                        "history/incoming?delta=%lld&long_poll_ms=%llu",
     257             :                        (long long) num_results,
     258             :                        tms);
     259             :     else
     260           5 :       GNUNET_snprintf (url,
     261             :                        sizeof (url),
     262             :                        "history/incoming?delta=%lld",
     263             :                        (long long) num_results);
     264             :   }
     265             :   else
     266             :   {
     267           0 :     if ( (0 < num_results) &&
     268           0 :          (! GNUNET_TIME_relative_is_zero (timeout)) )
     269           0 :       GNUNET_snprintf (url,
     270             :                        sizeof (url),
     271             :                        "history/incoming?delta=%lld&start=%llu&long_poll_ms=%llu",
     272             :                        (long long) num_results,
     273             :                        (unsigned long long) start_row,
     274             :                        tms);
     275             :     else
     276           0 :       GNUNET_snprintf (url,
     277             :                        sizeof (url),
     278             :                        "history/incoming?delta=%lld&start=%llu",
     279             :                        (long long) num_results,
     280             :                        (unsigned long long) start_row);
     281             :   }
     282           5 :   hh = GNUNET_new (struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle);
     283           5 :   hh->hcb = hres_cb;
     284           5 :   hh->hcb_cls = hres_cb_cls;
     285           5 :   hh->request_url = TALER_url_join (auth->wire_gateway_url,
     286             :                                     url,
     287             :                                     NULL);
     288           5 :   if (NULL == hh->request_url)
     289             :   {
     290           0 :     GNUNET_free (hh);
     291           0 :     GNUNET_break (0);
     292           0 :     return NULL;
     293             :   }
     294           5 :   GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO,
     295             :               "Requesting credit history at `%s'\n",
     296             :               hh->request_url);
     297           5 :   eh = curl_easy_init ();
     298          10 :   if ( (NULL == eh) ||
     299             :        (GNUNET_OK !=
     300           5 :         TALER_BANK_setup_auth_ (eh,
     301           5 :                                 auth)) ||
     302             :        (CURLE_OK !=
     303           5 :         curl_easy_setopt (eh,
     304             :                           CURLOPT_URL,
     305             :                           hh->request_url)) )
     306             :   {
     307           0 :     GNUNET_break (0);
     308           0 :     TALER_BANK_credit_history_cancel (hh);
     309           0 :     if (NULL != eh)
     310           0 :       curl_easy_cleanup (eh);
     311           0 :     return NULL;
     312             :   }
     313           5 :   if (0 != tms)
     314             :   {
     315           0 :     GNUNET_break (CURLE_OK ==
     316             :                   curl_easy_setopt (eh,
     317             :                                     CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS,
     318             :                                     (long) tms + GRACE_PERIOD_MS));
     319             :   }
     320           5 :   hh->job = GNUNET_CURL_job_add2 (ctx,
     321             :                                   eh,
     322             :                                   NULL,
     323             :                                   &handle_credit_history_finished,
     324             :                                   hh);
     325           5 :   return hh;
     326             : }
     327             : 
     328             : 
     329             : void
     330           5 : TALER_BANK_credit_history_cancel (struct TALER_BANK_CreditHistoryHandle *hh)
     331             : {
     332           5 :   if (NULL != hh->job)
     333             :   {
     334           0 :     GNUNET_CURL_job_cancel (hh->job);
     335           0 :     hh->job = NULL;
     336             :   }
     337           5 :   GNUNET_free (hh->request_url);
     338           5 :   GNUNET_free (hh);
     339           5 : }
     340             : 
     341             : 
     342             : /* end of bank_api_credit.c */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14